When thinking about conscious acts of kindness you might like to do ask yourself:

  • How can I make life easier for someone?
  • How can I make life nicer for someone?
  • How can I make where I live nicer?
  • How can I make the world around me a nicer place to be?
  • How can I make a positive difference to the environment?
  • How can I make a positive difference to those around me?
  • Who needs help?

Here are 111 simple ideas to help you get started…and there’s a whole lot more you’ll be able to imagine too!

Just imagine the world when we are leading with love and being consciously kind.

Let’s be the change we want to see!

  1. Send a surprise gift to a friend
  2. When you have time left on your parking ticket give it to someone else if it’s allowed so they can benefit.
  3. Notice when a parking meter ticket has expired and top it up for them.
  4. Do a friend or neighbours gardening for them.
  5. Offer to take a friends children for a few hours so she/they can go on a date or just have an uninterrupted bath!
  6. Take a neighbour or friends dog for a walk.  Notice who in your community is frail or going through a hard time…if they have a pet offer to help.
  7. Send a thank you card for receiving good service or enjoying a particular product – the absolute opposite of the usual notes of complaint!
  8. Meal share – cook more than you need and share with a friend, family member or neighbour
  9. Write a letter explaining what you love about that person and why you are happy they are in your life – and give it to them.
  10. Give someone flowers – just because.
  11. Phone or even better visit an elderly relative or neighbour. Social isolation is sadly very common – you might be the only person to contact them today, this week or this month.
  12. Stock up on gifts when you see them in sales or whenever you see something nice and leave them on peoples doorsteps or windscreen with a message from the universe…have some fun!
  13. Leave money in a vending machine with a note saying – have a drink on me!
  14. When someone asks for change, give them it but refuse to take the money for it…and run away leaving them richer in love AND money!
  15. Pay for someone behind you in the drive through or in a cafe.
  16. Pick up litter when you see it.
  17. Get together with some friends and clean up your local area.
  18. Join in with a charity event – often giving your time is just as valuable as contributing cash.
  19. Buy someone a lottery ticket.
  20. Offer your skills to someone to help them out.
  21. Smile at strangers…and maybe even say hello 🙂
  22. Send a nice email to someone telling them you are thinking of them and give them a specific compliment.
  23. Leave a book you have read and enjoyed in the park or cafe with a note inside telling the recipient to take it and enjoy the read.
  24. Clear out belongings you don’t need and donate to charity.
  25. Clear out belongings you don’t need and host a swap evening.
  26. Clear out belongings you don’t need, sell them and buy a gift for someone else.
  27. Notice on gumtree or free-cycle what people are looking for and if you have it, give it them or find a way to help.
  28. Bring snacks to work to share with your colleagues.
  29. Speak to a homeless person/beggar/vulnerable person – find out their story and give them your time and focus.  Make them feel valued and important.
  30. When the person behind you in the supermarket aisle only has a couple of items, let them go ahead of you.
  31. When you don’t have a loyalty card (and even when you do, kid on you don’t!) offer the person behind you to add the value of your shopping to their card.
  32. Host a party – just because people want to have fun!
  33. When you run your own errands, ask other people if they need anything. 
  34. Check in on your neighbours to make sure they are ok – bring a wee gift (home made or bought – no judgement here, it’s all about the thought!)
  35. Plant a tree, or bush or plants – they not only look lovely but are good for our planet.
  36. Consciously eat less meat, especially processed.  Your health will benefit as well as the planet.
  37. Shop local rather than in multinational companies.  Your money will go directly to ‘real’ people and you community will benefit.
  38. Do your friends hair, makeup, nails – something to make them feel beautiful and make the experience effortless for them.
  39. When shopping with a friend, notice what they like and go back and buy it if you can.
  40. Give someone a hug – human contact is vital to our wellbeing.
  41. Find out how you can volunteer – some opportunities are only an hour a month, we ALL can do that! 
  42. Babysit, dog sit or/and housesit for  someone to make their life easier.
  43. Spend 15 minutes checking in with your Facebook ‘friends’ and connect with them properly.  Post thoughtful comments on their posts.
  44. Send a postcard to a sick child to cheer them up http://www.sendkidstheworld.com/
  45. Let someone take your parking space.
  46. Let someone overtake you or jump in the queue on the motorway.
  47. Give blood.
  48. If you can, register as an organ donor and tell your friends and family.
  49. Tidy up wherever you are, leave the world a more beautiful place because of your presence.
  50. Tell a street performer how awesome they are.
  51. Offer your seat to someone who needs it more – whether a pregnant woman, an infirm person or a group of people who would like to sit together.
  52. Offer to pick up your kids friends from school and keep them for dinner to give their parents a breather AND a little person some funsies 🙂
  53. Give your loyalty card points/stamp to the person next to you in the queue.
  54. When you’ve collected enough stamps on your loyalty card to get your free coffee, ask for it to be given to someone in the cafe.
  55. Write a letter to thank a member of staff for their great customer service.
  56. Send a handwritten card to a friend – just because 🙂
  57. Get in touch with your local volunteering agency and find out what help they need.
  58. Host a tea party for your neighbours to get to know them – we don’t need an occasion to celebrate! There are organisations that can help you do this, such The Big Lunch, Contact the Elderly)
  59. Ask some people what their secret wishes are…and do what you can to grant them 🙂
  60. Book time out to do something nice for yourself.
  61. Attend a community event – there’s a lot of effort that goes into the organisation and the support of people showing up is always appreciated.
  62. Do a drive by gift drop…leave an unexpected gift at someones doorstep, ring their bell and run away!
  63. What’s draining the people around you?  Listen to see if there is something on their list that you could do for them.
  64. Hold the door open for a stranger….or even someone you know because good manners are actually little acts of kindness.
  65. De-ice your neighbours windscreens so they don’t have to.
  66. Donate items to the food bank.
  67. Take your neighbours bins out…and perhaps even bring them back in.
  68. Offer your seat on the train or bus to someone else, especially pregnant or infirm people (back to old fashioned good manners!)
  69. Really listen in the next conversation you have, the gift of being truly heard is beautiful.
  70. Take supplies to an animal shelter.
  71. Create a holiday to celebrate someone you love (like a Saints day…the Queen has more than one birthday so when not the rest of us? 😉  Your appreciation day can be as simple as declaring the date of the holiday and writing a note of thanks each year to that person…or you can fill your boots and do everything you can to let that person know they are amazing!
  72. Make a ‘Your Awesome jar’ for someone special.  Put 50–100 post it notes in a box or jar and write something that is special about that person on each (a special memory, something you admire about them, what you like about them etc). Gift the person the jar box and tell them to pick a post it every day to remind them of how special they are.
  73. Share overheard compliments. Why gossip about stuff that drains us when we can share the love and admiration we have for each other?
  74. Be honest about your feelings, so many of us feel we have to put a face on that you being open about your experience and how you felt will encourage others to open up too. Notice how the conversation changes as you become more confident about  speaking your truth.
  75. After a wedding or party donate all the flowers to a nursing home. Better still find out individual residents names and deliver them personally.
  76. Write a love note to a stranger (or someone you know). Post it or leave it for them to find (look at www.moreloveletters.com for inspiration)
  77. Don’t wait until someone gets old or dies to remember the good times…live is for living and celebrating right now!  Create an incredible gift now by getting friends and family members to provide stories, anecdotes and photos. Your friend will forever cherish the book you’ll put together. If you can’t make an entire book, just sharing your fond memories is appreciated.
  78. Put a surprise note or sketch in your child’s, partners, flatmates lunch box so they are reminded of how much they are loved.
  79. Share a joke and make someone giggle.
  80. When people are gossiping about someone, be the person to change the energy and chip in with something nice to say.
  81. Loan money to a third world entrepreneur through Kiva. These tiny investments change the lives of the families who receive them, and 99% of the loans are paid back.
  82. Teach someone. We can all teach something, and sometimes the small things make the biggest difference.
  83. Post positive & inspiring notes in unexpected places.
  84. Connect people and make helpful introductions.
  85. Make care packages for people who you think may need it in your community and deliver them. You could always leave at at their door with a note so they don’t know it’s you.
  86. Allow someone to help you, give them the opportunity to get the feel good feelings that come from helping!
  87. If you pass a car with an expired parking ticket, buy them some extra time.
  88. Put your phone away and spend undistracted time with yourself and those around you.  The gift of your time and attention is truly precious.
  89. Talk to the person sitting alone…although be mindful that they may actually want to be alone!
  90. Make an effort to welcome and get to know the new person in work or in your neighbourhood.
  91. Give away stuff for free on freecycle, gumtree or other such site.
  92. When you’re throwing something away on the street, pick up any litter around you and put that in the trash too.
  93. Send someone an anonymous gift (a neighbour, colleague or ex colleague, friend)…and enjoy hearing about them trying to figure out who it was!
  94. Say thank you to the cleaners and janitors…essential and often overlooked staff.
  95. Give a genuine compliment to your boss, they are often overlooked too!
  96. Bring an extra umbrella to work so you can give or lend it to someone when it pours.
  97. Get in touch with friends you haven’t seen in ages.
  98. Adopt an attitude of gratitude and every day celebrate at least 3 things that make your life easier.
  99. Be patient….it’s a virtue! That person may be having a tough day or just processes information differently than you. You’ll all get there 😍
  100. 100. Drive less, carpool, walk or cycle and reduce your carbon footprint.
  101. 101. Encourage other people to create the life and work they      REALLY want!
  102. 102. WAIT: Why Am I Talking? Be aware of giving other people space and time to think and speak too.
  103. Be thoughtful, if someone has had a bad day, what would they appreciate that will lighten their day?
  104.  Make a conscious effort to stop doing be things that frustrate the people you work and live with.
  105. Find the goodness in people you don’t really like or who have wronged you in some way….EVERYONE has positive qualities and letting go of anger is an enormous kindness to yourself.
  106.  Say what you see. When you see a well behaved child or loving relationship, let the people involved know. We so often don’t see the beauty in our own lives that when a stranger shares what they see it’s extremely powerful and uplifting.
  107.  Let someone else have their way…and  enjoy their happiness.
  108. Hold a fundraiser for a cause close to your heart…it’s a great way to gather people together too!
  109. Help someone with their chores…decorating, cleaning, organising because team work does make the dream work!
  110. Give someone a gift card and walk away.
  111. Lead with love…wherever you go, whatever you do, ask yourself is what I’m about to do loving and kind to myself AND to others? If not then tweak until it is.