When we feel stuck it feels impossible to get unstuck doesn’t it?

What are you saying that’s keeping you stuck?

Because it’s the energy of our intention that really makes the difference.

I NEED to get a new job.

I HAVE to sell x number of products.

I SHOULD feel happy.

Do you feel the attachment to what you don’t want in those statements?

The words we use help create our experience or the world…so it’s worth becoming more aware of what you’re saying.

Take responsibility for and respect your own energy.

Focus on what you want because I want DOES get.

I want a job that inspires and fulfils me.

I want to sell x number of products or more.

I’m ok not feeling happy just now as I know how I’m feeling now will pass and happiness will shine through soon.

Notice the difference?

What we resist persists.

So acknowledge and accept where you are now, get clear on what you REALLY want, step into the energy of that and use words that are aligned with this energy.

Enjoy making good shit happen!