It’s a bonkers time in our world just now which means it’s SUPER important to look after ourselves.     

How do you stay in and get back into a high vibe? I know music is a big part of my life and being ok…and also having a giggle. In uncertain times find your own Cocktail of Calm and make sure you drink it!

Here’s some of the ingredients in my Cocktail, I wonder what’s in yours?


Queen: I Want to Break Free 

For the parents who love their kids (or partner), but don’t really like being with them 24/7 😉


Louis Armstrong: What a wonderful world

Because it is.

Bee Gees: Staying Alive 

For when you’re wearing your sassy pants, just strut to this when you’re still in your goonie at lunchtime.

MC Hammer: You can’t touch this 

For when your partner wants to get jiggy but they’ve not washed their hands….just bust out these moves!

Britney Spears: Toxic

To sing to your friends who ask you to go out. You know that you’re toxic, I ain’t going out mate


Bob McFerrin: Don’t Worry, Be Happy 

Cos we can only do what we can do…love each other, be a good human and let all the other shit go.

Divinyls: I Touch Myself

Perhaps you shouldn’t but we all do…

Johnny Clash: We’ll Meet Again

For the extroverts who are really missing touching people. It wont be long!

It’s a bonkers time we’re living in right now which means it’s REALLY important to look after ourselves.  How do you stay or get back into a good vibe?  Music’s a biggie for me and ti may be for you too…here’s a few on my playlist if/when the time comes I need to stay home.

What songs would you add?  Sharing’s caring so pop em in the comments so I can listen to them!