
It’s topical just now and oh so misunderstood (in my humble opinion)

I’ve been party to several discussions around how we raise people’s confidence and resilience, like this is achievable by flying in and delivering workshops and other such ‘interventions’.

Yet the irony is no one can GIVE someone else confidence nor resilience…however much we may want to. We can only be the guiding light as someone explores and discovers it for themselves.

It’s an energy and awareness thing.

First of all we need to understand what resilience is, because without that common understanding we’ve no way of measuring if it is or is not improving.

Resilience is inextricably linked with confidence and both are context dependent.

Resilience = ‘the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties’

Confidence = ‘the feeling when or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something’

So is resilience simply having confidence in ourselves that things will be ok?

Because I’ve worked with a lot of people who keep going & going throughout difficult times and may appear resilient, yet they are quietly crumbling.

So how do we know that someone has genuinely recovered or bounced back from an adversity?

Consider the different aspects in your life. Which do you feel confident and resilient in and which feel a bit wobbly? None of us are 100% amazing in every area of our lives….yet aspects of our lives overlap.

You may think what’s happening in your personal life is irrelevant to your professional. It’s not, YOU are the common factor.

Resilience is too important to fall into the trap of ticking boxes and hiring in coaches and facilitators to deliver one off workshops on the subject.

Yes these are great, and it’s a start but it’s not enough.

You cannot TEACH resilience, you must understand yourself, accept yourself and be ok with not being ok.

In other words it’s something you become.

It’s a coming home to the true nature of you…a well being.

And that involves being surrounded by the energy of acceptance, openness and curiosity.

It’s riding the storms with someone at your side not to stop you from falling but to be with you as you figure out how to get back up.

Have you created a culture personally & professionally where failing is encouraged? That trying is better than not? Where time to reflect and learn is expected?

Because THAT is the foundation of resilience ❤️